18 December 2013

I'm still here!

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to pop a wee post on here to say hello and let you know I haven't vanished off the face of the earth! It's been an absolutely manic few months personally and as such although I have lots of photos to share, time is pressing and I haven't had chance to put a post up.

That said, here's a little taster from Cuba, just to keep you going! Over 800 photos to go through )about a quarter of the way through!!!!) so you will have to bear with me in the build up to Xmas too but I will be back with posts galore before you know it!

Stay tuned for my post on my favourite images I've taken this year and what's to come next year. Until then, I hope you all have a really special Christmas with loved ones and friends, an amazing New Year and a happy and healthy 2014!

24 October 2013

My Skydive!

As I'm sure ALL of you will know (!) I decided in March this year to do a skydive for charity. It's something I have always wanted to do but never had the guts to do it without the moral support of someone I know doing it too. Then at my day job one day, an email went round to see who might be interested in doing it for the two charities we are raising money for this year; Breast Cancer Campaign and Prostate Cancer UK. I literally jumped at the chance!

So, the date was set for 17th August and I'm not lying, I was super excited! As the day approached, I couldn't wait to do it. Then, the day before, work got a call cancelling all 50 of the jumps we had booked for the following day due to weather. I was devastated! I'd psyched myself up so much to do it and felt really deflated. BUT, I suddenly realised I didn't need the 50 other people at work to do it with me. I was more than happy to go it alone (well, with my boyfriend, mum and dad in tow!). 

So, I rebooked, 5th October was the day. So the day rolled round and I didn't flinch. Much to my surprise I was a cool as a cucumber, even in the plane up! It didn't feel real, I really didn't feel like 'wow, I'm about to jump out of a plane'. And then I did! It was amazing, exhilirating, like nothing I have ever done before! Someone told me it was like floating?! Nothing like it unless floating feels like travelling completely unprotected by anything at 200mph!

Well enough of my jabbering! Here are a few, ok, quite a lot, of photos from the day, obviously not taken by myself! Massive thanks to my mum, dad and boyfriend for supporting me on the day and HUGE THANK YOU 
to everyone who sponsored me! I raised a massive £760 all by myself thanks to you generous bunch! In addition to that, my work will double the money I raised, how amazing is that? One of the proudest achievements in my life.. And I might just have found my vocation in life.... Photographing other skydivers?! Imagine doing that 10 times a day? Watch this space! ;-)

And the link to the video I got some of these stills from is here.

Ok at this point I was like 'Whoa, I'm about to fall out of a plane and hurtle to the ground!'

Think my stomach got stuck up by the plane at this point!

15 October 2013

Sarah & Dave's Recent-ish Wedding!

I had the pleasure of being invited to two of my friend's wedding at the end of August. I couldn't make the day ceremony due to the day job but I was able to go to the lovely evening reception. And lovely it really was! I was just gutted I didn't get to make the whole day as the photos I have seen since are awesome and look like so much fun! Different to your 'average' wedding which is always refreshing in!

So, although there was no official photographer on the day, I took a few in the evening and here they are. Thank you Sarah and Dave for letting me part of your wonderful day!

A bit late, given but that's what moving home does to your time! ;-)

I've only done this image larger because I love the movement in the photo, makes Dave look like a ghost!

How beautiful?! X

17 September 2013

Busy Busy Busy!


Just wanted to pop a little post on here for any of you passing through who might think I have gone AWOL! My partner and I are in the process of moving so, as you can imagine, every spare moment is spent sorting through draws we haven't looked through for years, clothes I forgot I owned and shoes I should have thrown out ages ago!

The move is happening at the end of the month so I hope to have all my photography belongings settled in to their new home by the beginning of October. 

I am not taking this situation lightly either! I feel like my right arm has fallen off not being able to go out with my camera... :-( So watch this space because once all this madness is over, I'll be making up for lost time and some! Plus it won't be long until Xmas by then and I may have some offers coming up that are just for you! Watch this space!

In the meantime, please feel free to still get in contact for any query, weird and wonderful as I am still answering them!


14 August 2013

Family portraits

Have been practising with my 50mm a lot more recently and did a family photo shoot with the gorgeous Mya, her parents and her grandma. How cute is she?! 

And another day, another family, my family! These next ones were taken at my Aunty and Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary. My Aunty got into the very dress she wore on her wedding day, how cool is that?! And here she is with her bridesmaids. (My mum is the gorgeous lady second in from the right) :)

Love this one!

And finally the happy couple! So, if you're looking for some lovely shots of your family, get in touch!

07 August 2013

High and Low Key Images

So, what is a high key image and what is a low key image? In short and just to confuse you (!), high key images are low contrast and low key images are high contrast, simples, right?! Well, contrast is a huge factor in both, but in very different ways. Let's start with high key first.

High key images are images that will contain very bright lighting that blow out most shadows. The subject of high key photos will tend to be of a positive mood or of nature and flowers, for example. You could try thinking of it as 'highlighting' a beautiful subject. High key images are also used a lot for advertising, with products on white backgrounds, because our minds believe these will be of higher quality.

High key images are images that really push the highlights of a photograph and contain little contrast. They are usually of a softer subject matter and have a 'happy' feel to them. But beware of over exposing you image! 

Now for low key images. Again they make use of contrast but in a completely different way. Low key images offer a moodier, dramatic angle to your image. Obviously these images will be dark and there should only be one or two highlights to show off the subject. Low key images are easier shot inside, compared with high key images and should not be confused with under exposing an image.

The key to these both sorts of images is referring to, and getting to know your in-camera metering. It will average out the lighting in the whole scene and will therefore tell you to over expose a low key image and under expose a high key. If you are pushed for time, you need to work out if the in-camera meter is being fooled and adjust the exposure by one or two stops either side. But ideally, to make sure you get the correct exposure for what you require in your shot, it is always best to bracket your images.

11 July 2013

My lully new 50mm 1.8!

I recently upgraded my camera to a Canon 7D. I've had my Lumix for a while and then I got given a kit lens for a Canon. So, what's a girl to do?! I had to get a Canon to make use of my new lens! I got a really good deal through DigitalRev and was not disappointed with their service! I got the camera in record time, 2 days and got a really good deal on a 50mm 1.8 lens too! Over the moon goes a little way to describing my excitement at my new toy! So above is the very first shot taken with my camera and making full use of my lovely new aperture settings! 

Some beautiful lilies I was also brought for my birthday and the cake my lovely mummy made me (I know, I am a very lucky lady). 

The reason I bought this lens; to practise my portraits and I'm pretty proud of this one!

LOVING the depth of field this lens offers me! And nice to see a lovely bumble bee!