22 April 2014

More Easter Goodies

Hope everyone had a great Easter break! Did the Easter bunny bring you as much chocolate as it has in my household?! My mum and dad do me and my siblings an Easter egg hunt each year, despite the fact we are all grown up now and it doesn't get any less competitive! And thanks to this tradition, I also do a hunt for my other half… This year was no exception. I weighed the chocolate once it had all been found…. A whopping 2314g of chocolate for one adult! Too much?! Nah!

And with so much chocolate hanging around it seemed only right to get the camera out and take a few shots. Might use these images for some Easter cards next year.

A selection of our chocolate!


I haven't played around with long exposures lately so thought this would be a good subject to try it on seeing as there are lots of vibrant colours to play with. I used a pink shawl as a backdrop (you don't need a tonne of professional gear to take a photo you know!) and my settings were ISO 100, f5.6 and a 2.5 second exposure. 

Would love to see anyone else's attempt at something similar, what do you think?

16 April 2014

Happy Easter!

I hope you have a lovely long weekend whatever you're doing! Here are a few eggs I found lying around the house, bet there'll be a shed load more by the time the Easter bunny comes… Expect (insert Easter themed pun here) more photos of these chocolately treats!

10 April 2014

Family Portraits with Reece!

Woah, where has the last month just gone?! Can't believe I haven't put a blog post up for a month, tut tut! Not to say I haven't been busy taking photos though, and busy networking, so keep your eyes peeled over the next few months for some other work. Make sure you keep checking back here to keep up to date with me!

I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful bundle a few weeks ago! Reece, despite being a little poorly, was good as gold and I think he quite enjoyed the limelight, judging by this photo! If you like what you see here, why not get in contact to book your own family portrait?!

Love this one of Mum and Baby!

Awww, I could eat him up!

If you would like to enquire about your own family bespoke photo shoot, please do not hesitate to get in contact! You can use the contact me tab on the page or my contact details are at the top!