28 December 2012

Don't forget the Exhibition!

Just a gentle reminder that my night for the exhibition is fast approaching! 

'Windows' Exhibition 
Friday 1st February 2013
The Roisin Dubh (Kingsbury)

Click here for more information! Spread the word!

It was beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

These photos were taken out and about whilst I was getting in the festive mood (well, drinking lots of mulled wine and spiced cider!) and getting the decs up at home. LOVE this time of year but can't believe it's basically over already! I'm in denial which is why there will be at least one other Xmassy themed post before this year is out!

I haven't noticed it before but this year they have/had a giant Christmas tree made out of Jack Daniels barrels in Covent Garden so thats what prompted the trip initially and it's always nice to have a mooch around London at the various Christmas displays and lights.


We have a black Christmas tree and I LOVE it! It's so versatile and every colour goes with it so well. Plus it really accentuates the colour scheme each year because the lights bounce of the baubles rather than the green of the tree mixed with the other colours adorning the branches. I know a black Christmas tree isn't everyone's cup of tea but it's definitely mine.

20 December 2012

Playing with Christmas Food!

Well with Christmas just around the corner I had thought about making my own Christmas cards, both for me to use and possibly to sell. So I got to thinking about what I might like my Christmas cards to be like. Food, obviously! I made tonnes of cookies and then literally platted with my food all night. Don't worry, I had clean hands throughout when handling the food and I wasn't planning on sharing them with anyone anyway.

Hehehe, love this one! Nothing like a proper bit of experimenting! Not sure this would work as a Christmas card but it's certainly interesting.



Unfortunately I was a bit late thinking about getting these done to sell as Christmas cards but it's a lesson well learnt for next year, I shall buy stock in early. And now I have some ready made designs to play around with so next years job is already half done. So, late this year, super early for next year! Bear me in mind for you cards next year please! :)

13 December 2012

Another trip to the Cemetery!

I know this isn't the most Christmassy blogpost given the time of year... But, maybe it is? For some people Christmas is about churches and these were taken in the grounds of the church so that counts, doesn't it?!

This photo is the real reason I went back to the cemetery!

05 December 2012

'Windows' - Exhibition Time!

Its that time again! I am taking in part in my third exhibition with La Société de la Petite Voix at Roisin Dubh in Kingsbury.

'Windows' is the name of the game this time round with lots of different takes on this theme so there really is something to appeal to everyone. And once again we have a whole selection of international photographers; Brazilian, Spanish, Anglo-Irish, Polish, English and Indian! We want to raise awareness for local artists and show people that you don't have to be rich to own some amazing work, while at the same time your purchase helps us fund our dreams! And there really is some excellent work for you to lay your hands on at really affordable prices. 

So, most importantly, When!?! From 14th January 2013 19.30. There is a Private View on 15th January and thereafter the exhibition will be open to all during the normal working hours of the venue. The venue is an intimate pub with cheap beer and a great atmosphere. Also located 1 minute walk away from Kingsbury tube station (Jubilee Line).

Please be sure to put it in your diary and show your support for us by sharing the event whichever way you can! Please click here for more info. Hope to see you there!

27 November 2012

Operation Vendetta

Remember, remember the 5th of November! I know, a bit late, but for Bonfire Night this year, me and the fella headed in to Central London for Operation Vendetta. This was a protest organised by Anonymous UK and is getting steadily bigger by the year. It was much fun; we were given chocolate cupcakes (delish I might add), there were fire artists, rappers, dancers and an excellent atmosphere. It was the most enjoyable protest I've been on, there were even hugs being given out to strangers. A feel good atmosphere all round and a really good laugh. Here are a few of the photos I took on the night.


The only problem with this protest was that with everyone wearing their V masks, we all became, well, anonymous! I know that's the idea but for someone who struggles to get their bearings at the best of times, I need friends around me to get me home, no good when you can't tell who's who! 

Not sure if any of you lovely people looking at this have ever been on a protest before? Would love to hear from you if you have. I find them really empowering, groups of people together who want better for others and not just themselves. It might not seem like a difference is being made but standing up for something you strongly believe in is admirable in my eyes. And you just never know what might come of it. Everything has a starting point. Hmm, deep!

I like the church behind the trees and how the lights hitting it. If I look at it out of the corner of my eye, it looks like some sort of ghost like child, creepy.

19 November 2012

A mish mash of my mind

Have lots and lots of photos still to go through an edit and an exhibition to prepare for! So here are some photos I've had for a while that don't necessarily fit in with other blog posts. These images are all completely unconnected and are photos I've taken whilst out and about, been at home or wee little experiments. A mish mash of what goes on in my head, if you like. I like, I hope you do!

This is a framed picture we have in our living room and just happened to look over one day to find this exotic looking bug climbing up it. I still have no idea what this little fella is but how perfectly placed was he for this photo? I love it, serendipity strikes again! It just seems so fitting that he put himself right there on our joker and the colours really set each other off. Love it! Thank you Mr Bug. :)

I love how just a boring old pavement can be transformed into an interesting photo. Or at least it is in my opinion! I always like lines and like my lines wonky so I love how this has worked in this image. I don't know if it's just me but when I look at the photo, it looks like a parallelogram instead of the rectangle it is because of the way the lines draw your eyes in. Freaky deaky!

Not a fan of eight legged creatures but I do love looking at their webs, I find them fascinating! This one had set up camp in my back garden. I hope I did his little home justice with my photo.

My mum always told me not to play with my food but I just can't help it!

08 November 2012


Just a mini post this week. Lots more photos to go through and edit presently, plus some other bits in the pipeline (watch this space!) but wanted to get something up and what better than the lovely Miya, whom I had the pleasure of meeting a few weeks ago! A very happy, bubbly little girl, I wanted her to feel comfortable in her own home rather than going to a (potentially) scary place that she wasn't used to. Here are a selection from the shoot......

If you'd like me to do a mini baby shoot (that's a mini shoot, not a mini baby, although I'm open to all possibilities!) then please get in contact using the contact tab or call me, the number is at the top of the page. I know I've said it one or two times before but I love every bit of feedback I get so please do feel free to drop me a little note. I'd love to hear from you!

25 October 2012

Sofia's Christening part 2

Two posts in three days, check me out! This is the second set of images from Sofia's Christening (title gives it away a bit!) and are from the little soiree afterwards. I must remember to lay off the Bolly....