27 February 2014

Photoshop Tips! Reducing shine through simple retouching.

Thought it was about time I posted something a) not about Cuba b) that other people mind find useful (!). As much as I want you all to look at and appreciate my photos, always good to mix it up with some handy tips (and still looking at my photos!!).

In this post I am going to give you some simple Photoshop tips for removing those annoying areas of shine on a face! So, here's the original photo:

I love the high contrast of the lighting in this image. As my lovely model Dorian said, it represents the way he see's his only personality, with a very dark side! There isn't much call for retouching with this image but I wanted to get rid of the slight shine there is on the left of his face from the lighting and you'll be pleased to hear this is really, really simple to do.

First, create a new layer in Photoshop (Layer -> New -> Layer) and name it 'Retouch'.

Next you need to click on eye dropper tool icon. Move your cursor over to the an area of the skin that isn't shiny, but close to your problem area and click. In the photo I'm using, I clicked on the skin just below the cheek bone. It'll bring up a big round circle with two colours in like the picture below:

Then change from the eye dropper tool to the paint brush tool and reduce the opacity to around 10% (you can play around with this but I think no higher than 10% works best, otherwise it can end up looking unnatural).

Zoom in to your photo (cmd/ctrl and +) to about 200% so you can make small, accurate adjustments a little at a time.
Paint over the area of shine, a little at a time and toggle on and off the layer to check your progress and see if you need to go over the area again.

When you move to a different part of the skin, repeat the process of finding the nearest area of skin without any shine, using the eye dropper tool to match the skin tones, and then changing to paint brush to paint over the area.

And here is my final product. Just a teeny tweak here and there which improves the overall image!

All content ©FeistyFotos. Please do not copy or use without permission. With thanks to my model Dorian Payne.

18 February 2014

Flowers and nature from further afield..

So here it is, last post on Cuba but by no means least! And hopefully spring will start to appear outside and we might get to see that big round thing shining in the sky. I hope so otherwise I will be all over #throwbackthursday with blogposts of sunnier places!

Have a few more of these flowers but that's for another blog post in a few weeks time! Pretty flower though huh?

I hope you've enjoyed looking at my Cuba photos as much as I enjoyed taking them and being out there! 

Don't forget that all my images are available to buy in a variety of formats. Please get in contact for details or check the price tab at the top of the page. :)

12 February 2014

Cuban history in bricks and mortar..

Penultimate post on Cuba, I'm certainly going to miss looking at the blue skies in these photos compared with the constant grey sky and rain we've been experiencing for how long now!? Anyway, still this one and one other to go to help keep SAD away! Buildings were so ornate, yet so run down in some places, and everything had a lot of character. 

This is the Hotel Nacionale in Havana, as you can see, not run down like the photo before. This hotel was built by the Mafia and is an amazing building inside and out with beautiful gardens. A definite must if you find yourself in Havana.

This is the old wall that surrounded Havana. The wall was knocked down to enlarge the city but parts still remain such as this one and denote 'Old Havana'. 

05 February 2014

Cuban Cars

The cars in Cuba were a beauty to behold. Old fashioned cars are in abundance, though newer ones can be found, the majority are from the 1950s before the trade embargos imposed on Cuba. I even saw a few 1920s cars as well! And you have to have a ride in one, it's sort of magical! Here's a few examples for you!


What do you think? Leave me a comment below. :)