30 August 2012

Street Photography

On Saturday I took part in a photography workshop with the British Photography School. It gave me a chance to check out some really cool locations in East London and give me even more inspiration (like I need more ideas floating around in my head!). I took over 200 photos in 2 hours so bear with me while I edit them! Here are a few to get me started. Despite the terrible weather, I still managed to get some really good images and the weather didn't win in dampening my spirit! As always, feedback is very, very welcome!

This is definitely my favourite from the shoot

22 August 2012

Willesden Lane Cemetery Part 2

Here are a few more taken from Willesden Lane Cemetery. Lots of lovely textures from the leaves and the markings on the graves, and the creepy one at the bottom of a coffin. Scroll down to read more!


No cemetery would be complete without a....er... dog bin?! (Bottom Left) OK!

This one to the right was taken through a broken window of a crypt. Being only 5 foot nothing, I had to climb up a little, point and shoot. It was so dark inside that I couldn't make any shapes or anything out. PLUS (!) there were loads of cobwebs and anyone who knows me, knows just how much I hate those eight legged freaks so quite a big achievement for me! When I got home, I got straight to editing it and although it's not really clear, there definitely is a very old coffin in there. And actually, on this one occasion, I can forgive the presence of spiders and their webs because I think it works really well in this photo! 

08 August 2012

Willesden Lane Cemetery

Not much to explain about this post. Me, my camera and Willesden Lane Cemetery. And this isn't all of them, more to follow.