27 September 2012

More Street Photography

This is the last set of images (I think!) from my Street Art workshop in East London. I did take A LOT of photos that day and there are only a handful left from the final cut but I really enjoyed doing this mini project. Not only did I go and see some of my (fairly) local surroundings but it's definitely given me a lot of food for thought for future projects. Hope you enjoy the last in this set!

This one above is probably one of my favourites out of this set. I know it doesn't actually contain any street art but I love anything to do with reflections. And I like how I have only got their faces in the shot through the reflection in the puddle. Just me maybe but I like it!

And I really like this one too because even now when I look at it, the art on the wall is just kind of jumping out from the wall. Brilliant art work in my opinion. I just took the photo!

19 September 2012

Ibiza sunshine

If you follow my blog, you'll know I love a good sunset! And one place that offers a beautiful sunset every day of the week is my spiritual home, Ibiza. I went back for the first time in 4 years recently and whilst much of the people have changed, the island still has a lot to offer, aside from the now very overpriced clubs. I appreciate there are only so many sunset images we can look at in one go, so here is a small selection. Anyway, it's about quality, not quantity. ;) Enjoy!

This is my favourite image by far. We were in a lovely bar, Kumharas, to watch it, surrounded by lovely people and some excellent evening entertainment. Bosh!

Ok, ok, so this isn't a sunset per say but it is the Sun and it's a little different so I like it!

11 September 2012

Street Photography Part Deux!

A few more from afternoon out in East London. Nuff said!

I have no idea who this guy was but it was like he wanted me to take his picture. So I did, great backdrop if you ask me.

Once it started, it didn't stop raining and I liked watching the drops ripple in the puddles.

Lines and lines and lines and lines!

05 September 2012

The Wedding of Michelle and Scott Myford

On 1st September 2012 I had the honour of being bridesmaid for one of my best friends. The weather was lovely, despite the recent grimness we'd had and the day was truly lovely, just like the couple tying the knot! Michelle is Disney crazy so there was a loose theme to the day and it certainly was sprinkled with a little magic. I, of course, took my SLR along and befriended the photographers taking the official photos, thus ensuring I got the best spots alongside them! Here are a few I took from the day. Hair was done by Trevor Holden of Texture Road and Make Up done by Emma Shepherd, Freelance Make up Artist.