I recently upgraded my camera to a Canon 7D. I've had my Lumix for a while and then I got given a kit lens for a Canon. So, what's a girl to do?! I had to get a Canon to make use of my new lens! I got a really good deal through DigitalRev and was not disappointed with their service! I got the camera in record time, 2 days and got a really good deal on a 50mm 1.8 lens too! Over the moon goes a little way to describing my excitement at my new toy! So above is the very first shot taken with my camera and making full use of my lovely new aperture settings!
Some beautiful lilies I was also brought for my birthday and the cake my lovely mummy made me (I know, I am a very lucky lady).
The reason I bought this lens; to practise my portraits and I'm pretty proud of this one!
LOVING the depth of field this lens offers me! And nice to see a lovely bumble bee!