Well with Christmas just around the corner I had thought about making my own Christmas cards, both for me to use and possibly to sell. So I got to thinking about what I might like my Christmas cards to be like. Food, obviously! I made tonnes of cookies and then literally platted with my food all night. Don't worry, I had clean hands throughout when handling the food and I wasn't planning on sharing them with anyone anyway.
Hehehe, love this one! Nothing like a proper bit of experimenting! Not sure this would work as a Christmas card but it's certainly interesting.
Unfortunately I was a bit late thinking about getting these done to sell as Christmas cards but it's a lesson well learnt for next year, I shall buy stock in early. And now I have some ready made designs to play around with so next years job is already half done. So, late this year, super early for next year! Bear me in mind for you cards next year please! :)