21 March 2013


I'll be honest, I am not massively confident with portraits. Give me a point and shoot camera at a party and I'll happily snap away but I suppose much like people being put off by seeing an SLR thrust upon them, I am equally put off at the doing the thrusting of said SLR! I'm much more comfortable in my own little bubble, doing my own little thing! Anyway, you never get anywhere if you don't take yourself out of your comfort zone. As my mum says, face the fear and do it anyway!

 Here are some attempts at me doing portraits about a year ago, be warned, they are not at all good! I always felt like I didn't know how to direct my subjects or get the angles I wanted but have been practising and have learnt a lot so I think you'll be able to see the improvement with my most recent shots!

And here are some of my more recent shots. Would love to hear your thoughts!

14 March 2013

Light trails

I really love long exposure shots and I have missed doing them! I love all the different effects you can create from doing them, the different moods you can impart on an image by using long exposure, the colours, the lines, love it all! There's a flyover near my house that I've had my eye on and with the long nights nearly behind us (we hope), there's not much time left! So here are a few of the shots from other night!

 And playing around with temperature settings on the camera...

12 March 2013

New Logo!

So you may have noticed I have a new logo! What do you think?! It was designed for me by my friends husband so thank you very much Matt! 

I have changed it slightly this week in aid of comic relief. And luckily due to the simplicity of the design I will be able to change the colour in aid of, well, anything really! Hope you like it and be sure to keep checking in on me here so you can see the various different colours I will be using on my logo to highlight causes I feel strongly about! 

05 March 2013

Night life around London

Went out a few weeks ago with my photo buddy Keith around London to catch it at night. It was pretty cold and very wet but it was fun and actually the wet added to the feel of the night because the lights all reflected in the puddles and raindrops. Here's a few that made the final cut!