I have a notebook at home that any idea, however weird or wonderful, goes in to. And 'smoke' has been written in my notebook for some time. So, with the weather as delightful as it is and preventing me from going out to take photos, I thought now was as good a time as any to do some smoke experiments.....

Not bad for a first attempt I don't think! I looked up a tutorial and got straight in to it. The tutorial said patience was key and I can vouch for that! However, I am pretty pleased with them. Of course, there is always room for improvement but smoke makes so many beautiful patterns and when you add colour to the images it brings those amazing shapes to life.
To achieve all of these photos I had the ISO set to 100 and used my flash gun, a home made reflector and snood. I found it really hard to focus because you have to use a manual focus and it's not easy in the dark! But I did it and had fun so I'll definitely be practising it more in the future.
Looks like I'll have a lot more of these to showcase seeing as this rain doesn't look like budging any time soon.
Very cool photos Holly