So yesterday I showed you some V images I took about a year ago, well here are some more recent ones...... I've recently embarked on a new photography course with The Photography Institute (hence the lack of blog updates lately!!!) so my posts for the foreseeable future will be the work I have submitted as part of the course. First up, here are the 3 images I shortlisted to submit. You can chose whatever you want to take a photo of but using techniques learnt. Always keen to get my 'V' in, I decided to take photos of him for assignment 2 (first module did not require a submission); we had to find an object of any kind around the house and think of a 'different' way to photograph it.
This was the image I decided to submit, the following two are the other ones I was considering. I decided on this one because I liked the 'mood' of it most. I like it being dark and mysterious, I love the warmth of the photo after using a red backdrop and I love the reflection in the glass (which was what was at the forefront of my mind when initially thinking about the photo). I got 8/10 for my overall assignment score which I'm very proud of. Would love anyone and everyone's thoughts on the images! Which is your favourite?