Here are a few more taken from Willesden Lane Cemetery. Lots of lovely textures from the leaves and the markings on the graves, and the creepy one at the bottom of a coffin. Scroll down to read more!
No cemetery would be complete without dog bin?! (Bottom Left) OK!
This one to the right was taken through a broken window of a crypt. Being only 5 foot nothing, I had to climb up a little, point and shoot. It was so dark inside that I couldn't make any shapes or anything out. PLUS (!) there were loads of cobwebs and anyone who knows me, knows just how much I hate those eight legged freaks so quite a big achievement for me! When I got home, I got straight to editing it and although it's not really clear, there definitely is a very old coffin in there. And actually, on this one occasion, I can forgive the presence of spiders and their webs because I think it works really well in this photo!